Places Worth Exploring - Bern, Switzerland
Bern, the capital of Switzerland, occupies the hilly peninsula of a horseshoe shaped bend in the River Aare. As its population grew, bridges across the river expanded the city’s reach to the surrounding areas. The historic center has been named a UNESCO World Heritage Site and Bern has consistently ranked high for quality of life.
Unfortunately I haven’t had the pleasure of explore Bern, but the above picture has piqued my interest. The form of the historic center is striking with dense buildings along parallel streets. The center street is obviously the primary street with greater width and likely built at a higher elevation than the others. The amazing natural setting, the cohesive historic character of the architecture, the dense yet human scaled urban fabric combined with the delightful riverfront parks — these all combine to create a truly unique and amazing place. This is certainly a place worth exploring and one I intend to do eventually.
Via Twisted Sifter
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