The Journey

John Siracusa, in an article originally published by The Magazine but now also on his Hypercritical blog, explores the implications of the softer side of online human interaction as exhibited by the Playstation 3 game Journey:
Online discourse can be harsh. Nowhere is this more true than in multiplayer video games. It’s nearly impossible to play a popular online game without being exposed to — or worse, being the target of — the most vile kinds of behaviors and insults, including sexist, racist, and homophobic slurs.
The lesson of Journey is that success is possible, even in an area like online multiplayer interaction which has seemed so hopeless for so long over so many thousands of iterations. Success is possible.
I haven’t had the opportunity to play Journey, but the description John gives is beautiful and heartwarming. His message of hope, even in the typically inhumane world of video game interactions, is one that resonates strongly. We can craft a better world for ourselves. Not just a better world of online interactions, but a better world for all interactions.

Reader Comments (2)
I have Journey and can attest that it is beautiful and heartwarming through and through. I highly recommend it!
I'd love to try it but alas, I'm in Xbox 360 country. I don't know anyone with a PS3...