Reinventing the Wheels

Josh Sanburn, writing for Time, reports on the the other option for holiday travel - private busses:
By embracing technology, the new companies are trying to freshen the seedy image of bus travel. They ticket online and offer free wi-fi and plug-in capabilities at every seat. They realized that young consumers feel unembarrassed about bus travel—as long as they can stay online.
Even more than high-tech amenities, cost is driving the bus business: prices of gas and train and air travel are near record highs. Drivers pay $25 to $50 in fuel costs to drive from New York City to Washington, D.C. The same trip averages $19 on Bolt and $22 on Megabus.
No security lines. Convenient locations. No altitude adjustments. Always connected. And cheap. Sounds like a good option to me.
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