Active Kids are Healthy Kids

Anahad O’Connor, reporting for the New York Times, reports on a study by Dr. Keith Drake about childhood obesity:
Teenagers can significantly lower their likelihood of being overweight or obese by walking or biking to school and playing on at least one high school sports team, but preferably two or more, a new study suggests.[…]
They calculated that if all adolescents played on at least two sports teams per year — in other words, one team per season — obesity rates would plunge 26 percent and the prevalence of overweight adolescents would fall by 11 percent. And if all adolescents walked or biked to school at least four days a week, they found, the number who were obese would drop by 22 percent.
We all know that childhood obesity is becoming epidemic. We also know that integrating activity with a minimum level of intensity into daily routines is the most effective way to combat the swelling obesity statistics. One great way to encourage daily activity is to design our neighborhoods with integrated schools that kids can actually get to without riding the bus. When combined with the other benefits of compact development such as amenities within an easy walk we not only free our kids from a life of obesity but we also grant them the freedom to live without parents as chauffeurs which in turn leads to more activity. A 22 percent drop in obesity is significant. Why not make places where kids can be healthy? Not through special programs or planned activities but just by living, by taking part in daily life. Why not give our kids the freedom to thrive?
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